Blog posts, page 6
Articles 36 / 37

How does daily meditation practice help me grow as a professional software developer
In this post I will present my thoughts on the benefits of meditation related to the job of software developer.

Learning asynchronous programming in node.js with callbacks
Asynchronous programming is tricky but once we understand the main concepts we can improve our application performance a lot.

My learning path for 2018
My list of books and courses to attend in 2018

Journey towards mastery
Finding myself is my true path, and helping the humanity should be my mastery. But instead what I do ...

How to serve 10x more request using asynchronous request batching
Asynchronous request batching is one of the simplest yet extremely effective api optimization technique, every node.js developer should add it in his repertoire.

Working with dynamic namespaces
An interesting experience using dynamic namespaces with drawbacks and cool features.
Articles 36 / 37