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Broadcast same shell command in multiple terminals

Broadcast same shell command in multiple terminals


In this tutorial, we will create a simple node.js program that will broadcast one command in a list of terminals. The goal of the tutorial is to show the power of node.js streams, and how can we use them to create powerful CLI tools.


Working in a microservice environment means doing a lot of repetitive work in a bunch of terminals like:

  • rebase/merge, tag creation (git operations)
  • update new version of common library
  • audit and fixing of security vulnerabilities
  • running unit tests

So this problem scale as the number of microservices you have to manage grows. All the time, I caught myself forgetting to update or release one of them.


Create a node application that will spawn the command I am about to run in a list of different paths.

There is also a small trick I would like to support. Piping capacities of Linux and be able to run a chain of commands like:

cat package.json | grep express

[serv1]> cat package.json | grep express
    "express": "^4.17.1",
    "@types/express": "^4.17.2",

[serv2> cat package.json | grep express
    "express": "^4.17.1",
    "@types/express": "^4.17.2",

[serv3]> cat package.json | grep express
    "express": "^4.17.1",

Code solution

'use strict';

const { spawn } = require('child_process');
const readline = require('readline');

const rl = readline.createInterface({
  input: process.stdin,
  output: process.stdout

const shells = [
    name: 'serv1',
    path: '/home/alxolr/microservices/serv1'
    name: 'serv2',
    path: '/home/alxolr/microservices/serv2'
    name: 'serv3',
    path: '/home/alxolr/microservices/serv3'

function run() {
  rl.question('shila> ', answer => {
    if (answer.toLowerCase() === 'exit') {
      // add the possibility to exit from the script using exit commmand

    let commands = [];
    if (answer.indexOf('|')) {
      commands = extractPipedStrings(answer);
    } else {

    let finished = shells.length;
    for (let shell of shells) {
      const stream = computePipedStream(commands, shell.path);
      stream.stdout.on('data', data => {
        console.log('[%s]> %s\n%s',, answer, data);

      stream.stdout.on('end', handleFinish);

      function handleFinish() {
        if (finished <= 0) {

run(); // start our bash a like terminal

 * @param {string[]} commands shell commands to chain
 * @param {string} cwd path to specific terminal to run the command
function computePipedStream(commands, cwd) {
  const pipedStream = commands.reduce((pipedStream, command, index) => {
    if (index === 0) {
      // First command will start our stream chain
      return spawnCommand(command, cwd);
    } else {
      const stream = spawnCommand(command, cwd);

      // piping the output of previous command in the input of current one

      return stream;
  }, null);

  return pipedStream;

 * @param {string} command shell command
 * @param {string} cwd shell path
function spawnCommand(command, cwd) {
  const [fn, args] = extractCommand(command);
  const stream = spawn(fn, args, {

  return stream;

 * @param {String} str command to be runned
function extractCommand(str) {
  const commandExtractRex = /([-\/\w,.+?\d@]+)|([\w\/.,+?\d@]+)|(".+?")/gm;
  const [command, ...args] = str.trim().match(commandExtractRex);

  return [command, args];

 * @param {String} str commands string piped by ' | '
function extractPipedStrings(str) {
  return str.split(' | ');


This little program is ultra helpful when you need to run the same command in multiple terminals, but it can be improved.

Improvement ideas:

  • create a YAML configuration file where we pass the services configuration
  • ability to run a specific command only in one terminal not in all at once

For these capacities, I recommend an existing tool handy for microservice development called fuge or tmux.

I hope that this article was helpful. If you like it, please share it with your friends and leave a comment; I will gladly answer all the questions.

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